
All Mine is an innovative new product designed to bring order, ease and control to your pet or pet’s feeding routine. Product Description: Recently patented, this intelligent pet bowl is designed to allow only the specified pet to access his/her food. Utilizing radio frequency signals embedded in a transmitter in the pets collar, All Mine allows only the pet wearing the specific transmitter to access the food. No more dogs sneaking the cat food or alpha dogs eating all the food; no more placing the pet’s dish outdoors - only to have other animals devour your pet’s food; no more placing your pet’s dish on countertops and furniture. All Mine offers an intelligent solution to all of these problems and more.

IP Status: Patent Issued - US 7,124,707

Just like your skin, your lips need to be treated and conditioned with an exfoliate and balm to reveal plump, beautiful and flawless lips. The patent pending Lip Exfoliater was created and designed to remove rough, dead, flaky skin, all in one compact and convenient tool. Small and stylish enough to fit in a pocket or purse, The Lip Exfoliator gives you plump and conditioned lips on the go or at home.