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Occidental Wine Offer

2024 Fall Release Party | Vintner Registration

Hello Vintner Members!

It’s that time again — we’re gearing up for our Fall Release & Bounty of the County Dinner at Mayacama on Saturday, November 30th from 4-8pm. The Pour will be taking place in the Wine Cave from 4-6pm, following with dinner upstairs from 6-8pm. We are committed to making this year's event as enjoyable and entertaining as ever! I ask that Vintner Members who would like to participate sign up via the Jotform linked below no later than Nov. 15th, please.

You will see in the form that we are asking each Vintner to limit your pouring choices to three wines. This is a special opportunity to speak to the identity of your brand and we recommend that these wines be highlights within your portfolio — single vineyards, your super stars. Based on historical event numbers, we are expecting around 150 members to join us, so please plan accordingly when bringing sample bottles to pour.

Additionally, please make sure these wines are noted in proper quantities when you submit the Jotform so that we are able to accurately fill orders received at the end of the event. If you are pouring an allocated wine, we can indicate a "Max Bottle Limit" on the Order Form that Members will fill out at the end of the event. As always, we will need Vintner member pricing: Landed FOB (50% of retail). We will be offering your wines out to our members at SRP, and will purchase from you accordingly.

We will also need a Winery Logo (JPEG format) or bottle shots (JPEG format) of each wine being poured that you can submit via the Jotform. These will be used on the Member Order Form that will be used to order your wines after the event.

We ask that one or two representatives be present at your table pouring wines, and that these Vintner representatives arrive by 3pm to ensure their tables are set up properly. Please confirm via the Jotform exactly who will be representing your winery so their names are on our list of registrants for the event.

We greatly appreciate you sending the information and requested assets to us prior to November 15th. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions, and we look forward to raising a glass with you soon! With your help and participation, this will be another fantastic Vintner event!



Jared Hooper, Wine Director


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