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RESidence CLUB Selection process update

As stated in the previous Residence Club Update email, the fires have delayed the annual Residence Club Selection Process for the 2018 calendar year. At this time we would like to provide the new selection process schedule, please see below:

October 24: You will receive confirmation of your First Round Selections
November 1: You will receive the Second Round Selection Email
November 15: Last Day to Submit Second Round Selections
On or Before November 30: You will receive confirmation of your Second Round Selections
December 6: Space Available Reservation will be available on a first come, first
served basis.

We appreciate your patience and look forward to confirming your selections for 2018. If you have any questions please contact Danny Hildebrand or Brian Hill.

Danny Hildebrand
Director of Residences
707.569.2900 | [email protected]

Mayacama | 1240 Mayacama Club Drive | Santa Rosa, CA 95403