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Spring at Mayacama
Quarter Share Availability


If our All Vintner Pour this past weekend is any indication, it’s going to be an amazing year at Mayacama for golf and wine! As you continue to consider Mayacama, here is a quick update on what we have remaining available specific to our quarter share villas:

  1. We have one share available in a 3-bedroom villa which offers 1 week every month
  2. We have two shares available in a 3-bedroom villa which offers 2 consecutive weeks every other month
  3. We have two shares available in a 4-bedroom villa (under construction) which offers 1 week every month

In all the options above, villa members may trade their weeks as much as they want with the other members of their villa. Alternatively, they may offer some weeks available to rent through Mayacama for a split of the rental revenues, or they may deposit some weeks into our reciprocal system to be available to travel to other properties across the world.

Of course, our Private Residence Club Membership remains a available and is a great option for those who are flexible and who would like to stay at the club for 3-5 weeks per year. 

If you’re interested in any of these options, let’s catch up soon before they’re sold out.

Best Regards,

The Mayacama Sales Team
(707) 569-2950 or [email protected]