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Hello {!Contact.FirstName}, from another beautiful day at Mayacama.

From myself, and the team at Mayacama, we wish you and yours a safe and wonderful Independence Day! If you happen to be in the area, please reach out as there may be opportunities to welcome you up for a tour over the holiday…a great way to experience some of the social side of the club!

2017 has been a very exciting year so far. Here are a few highlights of the year in review:


Februaries Grand Reopening Golf Tournament – This was our opportunity to thank our members for their patience as we regrassed all 18 greens, and rebuilt all of our bunkers and tee boxes! A full day of golf, cocktails, hors d’ oeuvres and dinner…what a fantastic way to bring on the 2017 season!


 Annual All Vintner Pour – WOW! All of our Vintner Members coming together in our courtyard, pouring their new release wines…our members and guests tasting as much as the like, with a wonder accompaniment of food and conversation. Over 400 members and guests were in attendance this year…this is likely one of the best wine events anywhere.  Preceded by a “pro-am” style Vintner Cup golf tournament, the day is always magical!

Welcoming New Members – It’s exciting to share that once again, we are experience a wonderful pace in growth of membership through all categories.


Breaking Ground on our new Villas – Just this past week, we’ve broken ground on the next four of our new Villa ownership, with three remaining available for sale.


Mingle at The Millennium Tower – What amazing views from the Penthouse at the Millennium Tower in San Francisco. Many members, and some prospective members, enjoyed a great night of food, drinks and mingling in the city. It’s a lot of fun to be able to offer these complimentary member gatherings, which really speaks to building Mayacama as a community on and off property!


Charles Schulz Celebrity Tournament – This annual event raised over $1,000,000 this year to benefit many local charities. We are honored to have an opportunity to host this event every year.

As always, I appreciate your continued interest in Mayacama. Ultimately, my team and I would welcome an opportunity to visit with you on the phone or in person. Let’s make 2017 the year to welcome you to Mayacama.

Best regards,

Tim Hoffmann
Director of Sales | CalBRE #01942747
Direct: 707.569.2954 | Mobile: 435.513.0642 | Fax: 707.569.2999