Friday & Saturday, June 23 & 24, 2023
ENTRY FEE: $500/$1,000 | ENTRIES OPEN: April 23, 2023
You are cordially invited to participate in the Mayacama Member-Member Tournament on Friday and Saturday, June 23 & 24. For the 2023 Member-Member, we will continue with the 9-hole Match Play format using all three forms of match play: Four-Ball, Foursome and Singles Match Play. This is a great way to meet your fellow Members and enjoy playing 5 nine-hole matches with everyone in your flight. There will be lots to celebrate in the, wine, prizes, and getting together with your fellow Members to enjoy a fun and exciting match play tournament. We hope to see you there!
FORMAT: We will play all three forms of match play for the
• Four-Ball Match Play – Two partners compete together as a side with each playing a separate ball. The side’s score on a hole is the lower score of the two partners on that hole.
• Foursome Match Play (Also Known as Alternate Shot) – Two partners compete together as a side by alternating in making strokes at a single ball. One partner must play first for the side from the teeing area of all odd numbered holes while the other partner must play first from the teeing area of all even numbered holes.
• Singles Match Play – In Singles Match Play, a player and an opponent compete against each other based on holes won, lost or tied.
Five 9-hole matches will be played within each flight. Scoring for the matches will be based on the following point system:
• Hole Won: 1 Point
• Hole Halved: ½ Point
• Maximum Points per nine hole match: 7 Points
FLIGHTS: The field will be divided into Flights based on the number of entries. The combined Course Handicaps of the two team Members will determine which flight the team will be assigned. Each Flight will consist of six teams. Play will be from the following tee markers:
• Men: Middle Tee Markers
• Women: Forward Tee Markers
OVERALL CHAMPIONS: The Overall Champions will be decided by a Shoot-Out among the Flight Winners. The format for the shoot-out is Foursome Stroke Play (Alternate Shot). The number of holes used in the Shoot-Out will be based on the number of flights in each division.
HANDICAP: The Championship Committee will be using your current USGA Handicap Index as of June 22, 2023. Strokes for all matches will be distributed according to the Stroke Index on the scorecard. For players whose handicap is an odd number, ½ strokes will be given. (Example: If a player has a handicap of 9 strokes, he/she will receive a total of 4-½ strokes per nine-hole match.) The maximum handicap differential between partners is 10 strokes. In all matches, the player or side with the lowest handicap shall play at scratch and all other players or side will receive 100% of the difference.
• Overall Champions
• Flight Winners
• Flight Runners-Up
• Commemorative Tee Prize for Each Player
ENTRY FEE: The Entry Fee for this Tournament is $500 per player and includes all tournament prizes, your commemorative welcome gift, and all meals and functions listed on the Schedule of Events. Caddie Fees are not included.
ENTRY CLOSING: All entry forms or online registrations must be received no later than 5:00 pm on Friday, June 16, 2023.
NON-TOURNAMENT PLAY: Non-tournament starting times will be limited. Please contact the Golf Shop for availability.
Friday, June 23
7:30am Check-In, Registration & Breakfast
8:15am Opening Announcements
8:30am Shotgun Start – Match #1 – Four-Ball Match
11:00am Lunch in the Courtyard
11:30pm Shotgun Start – Match #2 – Four-Ball Matches
2:00pm Scoring for 2nd Round Matches
3:00pm Shotgun Start – Match #3 – Foursome Matches
5:30pm - 7:30pm Cocktail Reception
Saturday, June 24
7:30am Breakfast
8:15am Opening Announcements on Driving Range
8:30am Shotgun Start – Match #4 – Four-Ball Match
10:45am - 11:15am Scoring for 4th Round Matches
11:30am Shotgun Start – Match #5 – Singles Match
2:00pm Scoring and Reception
3:00pm Shoot-Out!
In the Singles Matches, player vs. opponent match-ups will be based on Handicaps, with the two lower handicaps on opposing sides playing one Singles Match and the two higher Handicaps on opposing sides playing another Singles Match. |