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Club Update | May 7, 2020

Dear Members,

We have received an overwhelming amount of gratitude for opening the golf course this past Monday, May 4th. It has been great to see familiar faces and welcome our Members back to play! We continue to field questions about the Club reopening and as local and state regulations change on a weekly basis, we will do our best to address those questions below:

When can I bring a guest to play golf?

In order to accommodate the volume of Member requests, we will be allowing guest play to start on Monday, May 11th. Beginning today, we are extending the window for Members to make starting times from 48 hours to 7 days in advance. Members will be limited to 2 starting times within a seven day period. Starting times for same-day play may be available by calling the golf shop the morning of your desired round.

When will the Bar & Grill reopen?

We are still awaiting guidelines and protocols from the county in regard to a full Food & Beverage operation inside the Clubhouse. Our launch of a new Snack Bar menu has been well received. We have also released our own custom brew, Pin High Pilsner, which has quickly become a member favorite! We are currently exploring other takeaway options for our Members and should have some new options available next week.

When will the Casitas & Villas be available?

In accordance with county guidelines, the residences remain closed. Currently, we are still tracking to reopen for occupancy by early June. We expect to have more details specific to this in next weeks communication.

Can we play Tennis?

The tennis courts are open and ready for recreational play. We ask that all courts be reserved in advance through the concierge at (707) 569-2900. Play will be restricted to Members only and we ask that all players practice proper social distancing guidelines. Private lessons are also available through Luke Chirco. Hand sanitizer and wipes are available at the courts.

When will the Swimming Pool reopen?

We are putting together a plan to reopen the swimming pool as soon as possible. There will be limits and regulations set in place for the safety of our Members. Please look for more information on this next week.

Any Updates on the Employee Relief Fund?

We are planning to distribute a second round of Employee Relief Fund Donations on May 15th. The response to the fund has been nothing short of tremendous appreciation and gratitude! Your donations have truly made a difference in these uncertain times for our employees. 

"Wow! I don’t know what to say. This is totally unexpected. What a wonderful gesture by our members."

"That's incredible! My wife and I are so grateful for the support during this time. I can't believe how generous the members are! We are forever grateful."

"This couldn't have come at a better time for us. I am so grateful to our members!"

If you haven't donated yet and would like to, please find the link  here.

Do you have any other questions?

We will continue to update our Members through email communication, but if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please reach out to General Manager, Dan Michael at (707) 569-2951 or [email protected].

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